Document Revision 2.1.0, 2000/03/17
For Zope version 2.1.0

Modified by Pamela Crosby

Table of Contents

The name attribute 7

The expr attribute 7

Expression syntax 7

Variable lookup 8

The special namespace variable, _ 8

Creating document templates 21

Using document templates 22

Using document templates with ZPublisher 22

Orphan rows 35

Overlapping batches 37

Showing row number and row data in previous and next batch hyperlinks. 37

Showing information about multiple batches 39

List of Tables

TABLE 1. Expression examples 8

TABLE 2. Available attributes in the special variable, _ 9

TABLE 3. Attributes defined by the math module 10

TABLE 4. Attributes defined by the random module 11

TABLE 5. Attributes defined by the string module 12

TABLE 6. Attributes defined by the whrandom module 13

TABLE 7. Simplest-case steps for looking up names 15

TABLE 8. Zope-defined Web request variables 16

TABLE 9. Attributes of the REQUEST variable. 16

TABLE 10. Attributes of the RESPONSE variable 17

TABLE 11. CGI-defined Web request variables 17

TABLE 12. Document template classes 21

TABLE 13. Standard document template creation arguments. 21

TABLE 14. Standard arguments for calling document templates. 22

TABLE 15. dtml-var tag attributes 23

TABLE 16. Special formats that may be used with the var tag fmt attribute 24

TABLE 17. C-style specifiers for the fmt attribute 24

TABLE 18. dtml-in tag attributes 30

TABLE 19. Item variables defined by the dtml-in tag 32

TABLE 20. Summary statistic variables defined by the dtml-in tag 33

TABLE 21. Special variables for group processing 33

TABLE 22. Batch-processing variables 34

TABLE 23. Attributes of batch objects used when iterating over next-batches and previous-batches variables. 34

TABLE 24. 35

TABLE 24. Query strings and previous batch URL and next batch URL for the batches shown in figure 7 37

TABLE 25. dtml-tree tag attributes. 51

TABLE 26. Variables set by the dtml-tree tag when rendering sub-objects. 52

TABLE 27. Variable that influence the dtml-tree tag 53

TABLE 28. dtml-sendmail tag attributes 55

TABLE 29. dtml-mime tag attributes 56

TABLE 30. Custom formats for date-time data 57


Audience: Developer


The Zope Document Template Markup Language (DTML) is a facility for generating textual information using a template document and application information stored in Zope. It is used in Zope primarily to generate Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files, but it can also be used to create other types of textual information. For example, it is used to generate Structured Query Language (SQL) commands in Zope SQL Methods.

The DTML facility is used to convert from document template source text to rendered text. Document template source text consists of ordinary text interspersed with DTML "markup" tags.

Purpose of DTML Reference

The purpose of the DTML Reference is to provide a reference dictionary document for the many DTML tags available in Zope and to help programmers in understanding how to implement DTML. The first portion of the guide describes the syntax of DTML tags and provides a number of simple examples of document template source texts. The second section describes the DTML tags in detail.


General Information

DTML Tag Syntax

The DTML Tag is supported by three syntaxes.1 This includes the DTML document templates, server-side includes and Python string formats. When using document templates from Python, the syntax used depends on the document template class used (or subclasses). The server-side-include new DTML syntax described here is used by the classes DocumentTemplate.HTML and DocumentTemplate.HTMLFile.

The syntax formats are shown below:




<dtml-tag name attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2" ... >

The tag name identifies the tag type. Following the tag name, are typically one or more attributes which indicate where the tag's data is found and how that data is to be inserted. Sometimes, attribute values can be omitted and quotation marks around attribute values can be omitted if the values do not contain a space, tab, new-line character, equal sign or double quotation marks.

<dtml-var date fmt=Date>

<dtml-var name="standard_html_header">

<dtml-with subfolder>

The most common tag is the dtml-var tag. The var tag is used to substitute variable data into text. Suppose we want to create a greeting with the variable, input_name . We might use a document template like the following:

Hello <dtml-var name="input_name" capitalize>!

This example uses two attributes, name and capitalize . The name attribute is used to specify a variable name. Typically, a variable name refers to data in World Wide Web (WWW) requests or properties of Zope objects, like folders. Because of the name attribute's frequent usage, there exists a short-hand version of the name attribute in which the attribute name is omitted:

Hello <dtml-var input_name capitalize>!

When using the short-hand form of the name attribute, the value is the first attribute in the tag and is not enclosed in quotation marks.

A similar short-hand notation exists for the dtml-xpr attribute. The expr attribute is used to provide computational expressions, as in:

<dtml-if expr="age > 18">

This may be shortened by eliminating the attribute name, as in:

<dtml-if "age > 18">

Like in the name attribute, the attribute value is the first attribute in the tag and is not enclosed in quotation marks.

The capitalize attribute illustrates the use of an attribute in which a value, or argument, is not defined2. The capitalize attribute indicates that the first letter of the inserted text should be capitalized. Suppose the document template source from the previous example is evaluated with the input name, " world ", then the text output would be:

Hello World!

The dtml-var tag is called a singleton tag , because it does not contain any other tags. Tags which are duplex contain bracketed text which may contain other DTML tags. Duplex tags require a matching end tag . The name of the end tag is the same as the start tag, except that it contains a " / " or an "end " prefix. End tags do not have attributes. A commonly used duplex tag is the dtml-if tag:

<dtml-if input_name>
Hello <dtml-var input_name>.

In this example, if the variable, input_name , has not been provided or is an empty string, then the greeting is omitted.

A non-empty tag can also have intermediate tags. These intermediate tags serve to break the non-empty tag into two or more sections. For example the dtml-if tag can use an intermediate dtml-else tag, as in:

<dtml-if input_name>
Hello <dtml-var input_name>.
Have we been introduced?

Note that in this case, the alternate prefix of the end tag is used.

Intermediate tags can have attributes, as in:

<dtml-if input_name>
Hello <dtml-var input_name>.
<dtml-elif nick_name>
Hi <dtml-var nick_name>.
Have we been introduced?

In the example above, there is one non-empty tag, dtml-if that uses two intermediate tags, dtml-elif and dtml-else , and an end tag, /dtml-if .

Server Side Include Format Syntax

Any number of line endings, tabs or spaces may be placed between the pound character (#), the tag name, attributes or the end of a tag. This format is still valid for the older versions of Zope and DTML. The server side includes format is <!--#command tag1="value1" tag2="value2"-->. The older versions of Zope used this format for the dtml code. You will still see examples using this syntax. For example, the following are all valid tags which are based on the server side includes format:

<!--#var x--> <!--#var standard_html_footer-->
<!--#var some_really_long_name--.
<!--#var and_another_rather_long_one-->

<!--#if input_name--> <!--#/if-->

Alternate Python String Format Syntax

This section describes the extended Python string format syntax. The extended Python string format syntax is used by the Python classes DocumentTemplate.String and DocumentTemplate.File. This format is based on the insertion-by-name format strings of Python with additional format characters, '[' and ']' to indicate block boundaries. In addition, attributes may be used within formats to control how insertion is done. For example:

%(date fmt=DayOfWeek upper)s

causes the contents of variable 'date' to be inserted using custom format 'DayOfWeek' and with all lower case letters converted to upper case.

Document template strings use an extended form of python string formatting. To insert a named value, simply include text of the form:


where 'name' is the name of the value and ' x ' is a format specification, such as '12.2d' . To introduce a block such as an 'if' or an 'in' or a block continuation, such as an 'else', use '[' as the format specification. To terminate a block, use ']' as the format specification, as in:

%(if input_name)[
Hello %(var input_name size=16 etc="...")s.
%(elif nick_name)[
Hi %(var nick_name capitalize)s.
Have we been introduced?

The form:


is a short-hand for :

%(var name)x

In most cases, the tag name, 'var' can be omitted. It must be included when:

- The variable to be inserted is named 'var ' and

- when using the expr attribute:

%(var expr="foo+1")s

Common Tag Attributes

The previous section described two attributes that are used by most DTML tags, the name and expr attributes. Both of these attributes are used to identify or compute data used by the tag.

The name attribute

The name attribute is used to obtain data by name. The data is looked up using the rules described in the section "Name Lookup" below. The name attribute is special since there exists a shortened version of the attribute, as described in the section "DTML Tag Syntax" above.

When the value of a name attribute is looked up, the value is automatically called, if possible. If the value is a Zope Document or Python document template, it is rendered before being given to the tag that uses the name attribute. For example, most Zope documents begin with a dtml- var tag:

<dtml-var standard_html_header>

standard_html_header is a Zope document which provides standard HTML to be included at the top of every page. When the var tag above is used, the DTML in standard_html_header is rendered and the result is inserted in the current document.

If the value of a name attribute is a function3 that is called with no arguments, then the result of the function call is given to the tag using the name attribute.

When the name attribute is used in the dtml- if , dtml- elif , dtml- unless , dtml- in or dtml- with tag, the value associated with the name is cached, causing references to the name in enclosed text to be faster than the initial reference. This is especially useful when the name refers to a function which is expensive to compute. For example:

<dtml-if reallyExpensiveFunction>
<dtml-var reallyExpensiveFunction>

The dtml-var tag uses the cached value for reallyExpensiveFunction . Note that tags, such as dtml-in and dtml-with, which introduce new variables may introduce a new value for the given name, causing the cached value to be overridden.

The expr attribute

The expr attribute allows complex expressions to be evaluated. The expression used in an expr attribute is enclosed in double quotation marks. Thus for differentiation, double quotation marks are not allowed within the expression.

Expression syntax

The expression syntax is that of the Python4 programming language and is similar to the syntax of other common programming languages like C or Java. Table 1 provides examples of simple expressions by giving the syntax and capabilities of each expression.

Expression examples





Numeric expression


Function call


Get attribute title from obj


Invoke method5 meth of obj with arguments a and b

(age < 12 or age > 65) and status == 'student'

A boolean (true/false) test.


Look up a value from REQUEST using the key ' HTTP_REFERER '

Variable lookup

The variable names used in an expr expression are looked up according to the rules described in "Name Lookup" Reference. Looked up values are not "called" as they are when the name attribute is used. In the expressions found in table 1, the name x , func , a , b , obj , age , and status are variable names, while the name meth and title are object attribute names.

Variable names must begin with a letter and contain only letters, digits, and underscore characters. To access a variable with a name that does not follow these rules, it is necessary to use the special variable, _, described in "The special namespace variable, _" below.

The special namespace variable, _

A special variable, _ , is defined for use in expr expressions. The _ variable provides access to the DTML "namespace," which is an object used to look up variables when rendering DTML. The _ variable can be used to look up names directly:

<dtml-if "_['sequence-length'] > 20">

The _ variable is especially useful for accessing variables with names that contain special characters, like dashes in the case above.

Available attributes in the special variable, _




Return the absolute value of a number.


Return a string of one character whose ASCII code is integer I , e.g., chr(97) returns the string 'a' . This is the inverse of ord() . The argument must be in the range 0-255, inclusive.


Create a DateTime object from zero or more arguments. See "Appendix A, Date-time data" on page 41.


Take two numbers as arguments and return a pair of integers consisting of their integer quotient and remainder. With mixed operand types, the rules for binary arithmetic operators apply. For integers, the result is the same as (A/B,A%B) . For floating point numbers the result is the same as (math.floor(A/B),A%B) .


Convert a number to floating point. The argument may be a plain or long integer or a floating point number.


Get the named attribute from an object.


Test whether the name can be found in the namespace.


Lookup a name in the namespace. If the value is callable and the flag is true, then the result of calling the value is returned, otherwise the value is returned. flag defaults to false.


Return the 32-bit integer hash value of the object.


Convert an integer to a hexadecimal string.


Convert a number to an integer.


Return the length (the number of items) of a collection of items.


The math module (table 3), which defines mathematical functions.


Return the largest item of a non-empty sequence.


Return the smallest item of a non-empty sequence.


The namespace function can be used with the in tag to assign variables for use within a section of DTML. The function accepts any number of "keyword" arguments, which are given as name=value pairs.


A special value that means "nothing".


Convert an integer.


Return the ASCII value of a string of one character. E.g., ord('a') returns the integer 97 . This is the inverse of chr() .


Return X to the power Y . The arguments must have numeric types. With mixed operand types, the rules for binary arithmetic operators apply. The effective operand type is also the type of the result; if the result is not expressible in this type, the function raises an exception, e.g. pow(2,-1) and pow(2,35000) raise exceptions.


The random module (table 4), which defines various random-number generating functions.


Return the floating point value X rounded to N digits after the decimal point. If N is omitted, the default value is zero. The result is a floating point number. Values are rounded to the closest multiple of 10 to the power minus N; if two multiples are equally close, rounding is done away from 0 (so e.g. round(0.5) is 1.0 and round(-0.5) is -1.0 ).


Return a string containing a representation of an object.


The string module, which defines string functions.


The whrandom module (Figure 6, "Attributes defined by the whrandom module," on page 23), which defines random-number generating functions using the Wichmann-Hill pseudo-random number generator.

Attributes defined by the math module




Compute the inverse cosine, in radians, of X.


Compute the inverse sine, in radians, of X.


Compute the inverse tangent, in radians, of X.


Compute the inverse tangent, in radians, of the quotient of X and Y.


Return the smallest integer that is greater than X.


Compute the cosine of X, which is in radians.


Compute the hyperbolic cosine of X.


The base of the natural logarithms.


Compute the exponential function of X, or e to the power X, where e is the base of the natural logarithms.


Compute a floating-point absolute value of the number, X.


Return the largest integer less than X.


Return the remainder of the division of X by Y.


Return the mantissa and exponent in base 2 of the floating-point value of X, such that absolute value mantissa is between 0.5 and 1.0 or is 0.


Compute the hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides X and Y.


Return X times two to the power of Y.


Compute the natural (base e) logarithm of X.


Compute the common (base 10) logarithm of X.


Break a number into its whole and fractional parts.


The mathematical constant, pi


Raise X to the power Y.


Compute the sine of X.


Compute the hyperbolic sine of X.


Compute the square-root of X.


Compute the tangent of X.


Compute the hyperbolic tangent of X.

Attributes defined by the random module



betavariate (alpha, beta)

Beta distribution. Conditions on the parameters are alpha >- 1 and beta > -1. Returned values will range between 0 and 1.

choice (seq)

Choose a random element from the non-empty sequence seq and return it.

cunifvariate (mean, arc)

Circular uniform distribution. mean is the mean angle, and arc is the range of the distribution, centered around the mean angle. Both values must be expressed in radians, and can range between 0 and . Returned values will range between mean - arc/2 and mean + arc/2.

expovariate (lambd)

Exponential distribution. lambd is 1.0 divided by the desired mean. (The parameter would be called "lambda", but that is a reserved word in Python.) Returned values will range from 0 to positive infinity.

gamma (alpha, beta)

Gamma distribution. (Not the gamma function!) Conditions on the parameters are alpha > -1 and beta > 0.

gauss (mu, sigma)

Gaussian distribution. mu is the mean, and sigma is the standard deviation. This is slightly faster than the normalvariate() function defined below.

lognormvariate (mu, sigma)

Log normal distribution. If you take the natural logarithm of this distribution, you'll get a normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma. mu can have any value, and sigma must be greater than zero.

normalvariate (mu, sigma)

Normal distribution. mu is the mean, and sigma is the standard deviation.

paretovariate (alpha)

Pareto distribution. alpha is the shape parameter.

randint (a, b)

Return a random integer N, such that a<=N<=b


Return a random real number N, such that 0<=N<1.

uniform (a, b)

Return a random real number N, such that a<=N<b.

vonmisesvariate (mu, kappa)

mu is the mean angle, expressed in radians between 0 and pi, and kappa is the concentration parameter, which must be greater then or equal to zero. If kappa is equal to zero, this distribution reduces to a uniform random angle over the range 0 to .

weibullvariate (alpha, beta)

Weibull distribution. alpha is the scale parameter and beta is the shape parameter.

Attributes defined by the string module




The string '0123456789'.


The string `0123456789abcdefABCDEF'.


The concatenation of the strings lowercase' and uppercase' described below.


A string containing all the characters that are considered lowercase letters. On most systems this is the string `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.


The string `01234567'.


A string containing all the characters that are considered uppercase letters. On most systems this is the string `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.


A string containing all characters that are considered "white space". On most systems this includes the characters space, tab, line feed, return, form feed, and vertical tab.


Convert a string to a floating point number.

atoi(S[, BASE])

Convert string S to an integer in the given BASE. The string must consist of one or more digits, optionally preceded by a sign (+' or -'). The BASE defaults to 10. If the base is 0, a default base is chosen depending on the leading characters of the string (after stripping the sign): '0x' or '0X' means 16, '0' means 8, anything else means 10. If BASE is 16, a leading '0x' or '0X' is always accepted.


Capitalize the first character of the argument.


Convert sequences of spaces, tabs, new-line characters, and returns to single spaces and convert every lower-case letter at the beginning of the string or that follows space to an uppercase letter.

find(S, SUB[, START])

Return the lowest index in S not smaller than START where the sub-string SUB is found. Return -1 when SUB does not occur as a sub-string of S with index at least START. If START is omitted, the default value is 0. If START is negative, then it is added to the length of the string.

rfind(S, SUB[, START])

Like find but find the highest index.

index(S, SUB[, START])

Like find but raise a ValueError exception when the substring is not found.

rindex(S, SUB[, START])

Like rfind but raise ValueError exception when the substring is not found.

count(S, SUB[, START])

Return the number of (non-overlapping) occurrences of substring SUB in string S with index at least START. If START is omitted, the default value is 0. If START is negative, then it is added to the length of the string.


Convert letters to lower case.

maketrans(FROM, TO)

Return a translation table suitable for passing to string.translate, that will map each character in FROM into the character at the same position in TO; FROM and TO must have the same length.

split(S[, SEP[, MAX]])

Return a list of the words of the string S. If the optional second argument SEP is absent or None, the words are separated by arbitrary strings of white-space characters (space, tab, new line, return, form feed). If the second argument SEP is present and not None, it specifies a string to be used as the word separator. The returned list will then have one more items than the number of non-overlapping occurrences of the separator in the string. The optional third argument MAX defaults to 0. If it is nonzero, at most MAX number of splits occur, and the remainder of the string is returned as the final element of the list (thus, the list will have at most MAX+1 elements).

join(WORDS[, SEP])

Concatenate a list or tuple of words with intervening occurrences of SEP. The default value for SEP is a single space character. It is always true that string.join(string.split(S, SEP), SEP) equals S.


Remove leading white space from string S.


Remove trailing white space from string S.


Remove leading and trailing white space from string S.


Convert lower case letters to upper case and vice versa.

translate(S, TABLE[, DELS])

Delete all characters from S that are in DELS (if present), and then translate the characters using TABLE, which is a 256-character string giving the translation for each character value, indexed by its ordinal.


Convert letters to upper case.

ljust(S, WIDTH)

rjust(S, WIDTH)

center(S, WIDTH)

These functions respectively left-justify, right-justify and center a string in a field of given width. They return a string that is at least WIDTH characters wide, created by padding the string S with spaces until the given width on the right, left or both sides. The string is never truncated.

zfill(S, WIDTH)

Pad a numeric string on the left with zero digits until the given width is reached. Strings starting with a sign are handled properly.

Attributes defined by the whrandom module



choice (seq)

Choose a random element from the non-empty sequence seq and return it.

randint (a, b)

Return a random integer N, such that a<=N<=b


Return a random real number N, such that 0<=N<1.

seed(X, Y, Z)

Initialize the random number generator from the integers X, Y and Z.

uniform (a, b)

Return a random real number N, such that a<=N<b.


The _ variable has a method, has_key, which can be used to check whether or not a variable is in the namespace:

<dtml-if "_.has_key('sequence-length')">

Note that when a callable value is looked up with the _ variable, it is called automatically, as is done with the name attribute. In the case where it is undesirable to have the value called automatically, the g etitem method of the _ variable is used to look up the value. The getitem method accepts two arguments, the name to be looked up and a flag indicating whether or not the value is to be returned:

<dtml-var "_.getitem(name, 0)">


Name Lookup

When a variable name is used in a DTML tag, such as a dtml-var tag or an expr attribute expression, that name must be resolved. Table See Simplest-case steps for looking up names shows the steps taken to look up data in the simplest case.

Simplest-case steps for looking up names




When a document template is called from Python, the mapping object and keyword arguments supplied when calling the document template are searched, with keyword arguments taking precedence over the mapping object.


When a document templates is called from Python, attributes, including inherited and acquired attributes, of the client passed in the call to the document template are searched.


If DTML is used in a Zope DTML Method or Document and the variable name is document_id or document_title , then the id or title of the document is used.


Attributes of the folder containing the DTML are searched. Attributes include objects in the contents of the folder, properties of the folder, and other attributes defined by Zope6, such as ZopeTime7 . Folder attributes include the attributes of folders containing the folder, with contained folders taking precedence over containing folders.


Search Zope-defined Web-request data (table See Zope-defined Web request variables).


Search variables defined in Web-request form data.


Search variables defined in Web-request cookies.


Search variables named URLn , where n is a digit. URL0 is the Request URL without a query string. URL1 is the same as URL0 except that the last name in the URL is removed. URL2 is the same as URL0 except that the last two names are removed, and so on. For example, if the request URL is , then URL0 , URL1 , and URL2 are respectively, , and . URL3 is undefined.


Search CGI-defined Web-request variables. See table See CGI-defined Web request variables for a description of CGI-defined variables.


Search HTTP Headers. A variable name associated with a HTTP header consist of the HTTP header name, converted to upper case, with the Prefix, HTTP_ . For example, a HTTP Referer header, if present, can be accessed using the variable name HTTP_REFERER .


Search variables named BASEn , where n is a digit. BASE0 is the prefix of the request URL up to, but not including, the name of the Zope installation or module published by ZPublisher. BASE1 is the request URL up to and including the name of the Zope installation or module published by ZPublisher. BASE2 is the request URL up to the name following the name of the Zope installation or module published by ZPublisher, and so on. For example, assume that a Zope installation or module published by ZPublisher has the URL: and that a request URL is BASE0 is, BASE1 is and BASE2 is BASE3 is undefined.

There are two situations in which the search rules for the simplest case are modified. If a Zope object or Python document template is called within a DTML expr attribute expression, then additional variables may be passed in. Variables passed in take precedence over all variables described in Table 6.

Zope-defined Web request variables




An object that represents an authenticated user. When inserted into a DTML document, the value is the user name. This object currently provides no public attributes. Note that this variable may not be defined in Documents that are not protected by security information.


The path to the object containing the user database folder which contained the definition for the authenticated user.


A sequence of ancestors of the object that was accessed in the current request. For example, if the accessed object is a Document, then PARENTS[0] is the folder containing the document, PARENTS[1] is the folder containing the folder containing the document, and so on.


An object that represents the current request. This object may be used in an expr expression to look up request data, including variables described in this table, CGI-defined variables (table See CGI-defined Web request variables), form variables, cookies, and HTTP headers. In addition, expr expressions may use request attributes defined in table See Attributes of the REQUEST variable.


An object that represents the response to the current request. This object is primarily useful in expr expressions using attributes defined in table See Attributes of the RESPONSE variable.


The URL used to invoke the request without the query string, if any.

Attributes of the REQUEST variable.




If a HTTP Cookie was included in the request, then this attribute is a dictionary8 containing the cookie data. This allows cookie data to be looked up, even if a cookie name is the same as a form variable or an object attribute name.


If a request was initiated by submitting a form, then the form attribute is a dictionarya containing the form data. This allows form data to be looked up, even if a form name is the same as an object attribute name.


Determine whether the REQUEST defines a given name.

set(name, value)

Set a variable in the request.

Attributes of the RESPONSE variable




Set the HTTP status code of the response; the argument may either be an integer or a string from {OK, Created, Accepted, NoContent, MovedPermanently, MovedTemporarily, NotModified, BadRequest, Unauthorized, Forbidden, NotFound, InternalError, NotImplemented, BadGateway, ServiceUnavailable} that will be converted to the correct integer value.

setHeader(name, value)

Set a HTTP return header name with value, clearing the previous value set for the header, if one exists.


Return the current HTTP status code as an integer.


Set the base URL for the returned document.


Cause a HTTP cookie to be removed from the browser The response will include a HTTP header that will remove the cookie corresponding to "name" on the client, if one exists. This is accomplished by sending a new cookie with an already passed expiration date.


Cause the response to include a HTTP header that sets a cookie on cookie-enabled browsers with a key name and value. This overwrites any previously set value for the cookie in the Response object. Additional cookie parameters can be included by supplying keyword arguments. The valid cookie parameters are expires , domain , path , max_age , comment , and secure .


Return the value associated with a HTTP return header or None if no such header has been set in the response.

appendHeader(name, value)

Set a HTTP return header "name" with value "value" and appending it following a comma if there is a previous value set for the header.


Cause a redirection without raising an error.

CGI-defined Web request variables




The name and version of the information server software answering the request. Format: name/version


The server's host name, DNS alias or IP address as it would appear in self-referencing URLs.


The revision of the CGI specification to which this server complies. Format: CGI/revision.


The name and revision of the information protocol this request came in with. Format: protocol/revision


The port number to which the request was sent.


The method with which the request was made. For HTTP, this is "GET", "HEAD", "POST", etc.


The part of the request URL, not counting the query string, following the name of the Zope installation or module published by ZPublisher.


The server provides a translated version of PATH_INFO, which takes the path and does any virtual-to-physical mapping to it.


A virtual path to the script being executed, used for self-referencing URLs.


The information which follows the ? in the URL which referenced this script. This is the query information.


The host name making the request. If the server does not have this information, it should REMOTE_ADDR and leave REMOTE_HOST unset.


The IP address of the remote host making the request.


If the server supports user authentication, and the script is protected, this is the protocol-specific authentication method used to validate the user.


If the server supports user authentication, and the script is protected, this is the username under which it has been authenticated.


If the HTTP server supports RFC 931 identification, then this variable will be set to the remote username retrieved from the server. Usage of this variable should be limited to logging only.


For queries which have attached information, such as HTTP POST and PUT, this is the content type of the data.


The length of the said content as given by the client.

Some DTML tags define additional variables. Variables defined by DTML tags take precedence over variables described in table 6. If tags are nested, variables defined in nested tags take precedence over variables defined in tags that are nested in.

Names may not begin with an underscore, except in the special case of the _variable used in an expr attribute expression.

If a variable lookup yields an object that has security information, then access to the variable is allowed only if the user on whose behalf the DTML is being rendered is allowed to access the object.

Access Control

Document templates provide a basic level of access control by preventing access to names beginning with an underscore9. Additional control may be provided by providing document templates with a 'validate' method. This would typically be done by subclassing one or more of the DocumentTemplate classes.

If provided, the 'validate' method will be called when objects are accessed as instance attributes or when they are accessed through keyed access in an expression. The 'validate' method will be called with five arguments:

  1. The containing object that the object was accessed from,
  2. The actual containing object that the object was found in, which may be different from the containing object the object was accessed from, if the containing object supports acquisition,
  3. The name used to access the object,
  4. The object, and
  5. The name-space object used to render the document template.

If a document template is called from Zope, then the name-space object will have an attribute AUTHENTICATED_USER that is the user object that was found if Zope authenticated a user.

Zope document objects provide their own validate method that implements the security rules of the Zope application framework.


Using Document Templates from Python

Document templates are made available using the DocumentTemplate package10. The DocumentTemplate package defines four classes to be used depending on whether source is stored in Python strings or in external files and on whether the HTML server-side include syntax or the extended Python string format syntax is used. The four document template classes are shown in table 11.

Document template classes

Class name



Source is provided as a Python string in HTML server-side-include syntax.


Source is provided as an external file in HTML server-side-include syntax.


Source is provided as a Python string in extended Python string format syntax.


Source is provided as an external file in extended Python string format syntax.

Creating document templates

Document templates are created by calling one of the classes listed in table 11. The source is passed as the first argument. An optional mapping argument may be provided that contains names to be added to the document template namespace when called and default values. An optional third argument may be provided to specify a namespace attribute for the document template. The standard document template creation arguments are listed in table 12.

Standard document template creation arguments.

Argument number

Argument name




or file_name

The document template source. For classes String and HTML, this must be a string. For classes File and HTMLFile, this is the name of an external file.



A mapping object containing initial names and default values for the document template name-space.



A value to use for the __name__ attribute of the document template object. This value can be used by programming tools to identify the object. For example, Zope tracebacks include __name__ values for instances of methods listed in tracebacks.

For classes String and HTML, the default __name__ value is '<string>' and for File and HTMLFile classes, the default value is the file name.

In addition to the standard creation arguments, additional keyword arguments may be provided to provide additional names and default values for the document template name-space. For example, in:

{'table_name': 'search results', 'database': 'data'},

A document template is created using server-side-include syntax source from an external file named 'results.dtml' and with an initial name space that included the names 'table_name', 'database', 'pid', and 'time'.

Using document templates

To generate text using a document template, the document template must be called. Arguments may be provided to supply an object from which to get data, a mapping object to get data from, or keyword arguments containing additional data. The standard arguments for calling document templates are shown in table 13.

Standard arguments for calling document templates.

Argument number

Argument name




An object with attributes to be included in the document template namespace.

The client may be a single object, or a tuple of objects. If client is a tuple, then each object will be added to the document template namespace in order.



A mapping object with names and values to be added to the namespace.

Both of the standard arguments may be omitted. If the mapping argument is to be provided positionally without a client, then a None must be passed as the client value, as in:

return results(None, {'search_results': r})

Keyword arguments may be used to provide values, as in:

return results(search_results=r)

Using document templates with ZPublisher

Document templates may be published directly with ZPublisher. ZPublisher treats document templates as if they were Python functions that accept the arguments named ' self ' and ' REQUEST '. The object traversed to get to the document template is passed as the ' self ' argument and the request object is passed as the ' REQUEST ' argument. Typically, document templates are defined as class attributes and passed class instances and request data, so instance and request data can be used to generate text.

Document templates may also be used in Python functions called by document templates, as in:

def getResults(self, key, REQUEST):
return self.resultTemplate(selfdocument, REQUEST, search_results=result_data)

Be sure to call the document template. A common mistake is to return the document template directly, as in:

def getResults(self, key, REQUEST):
return self.resultTemplate

ZPublisher does not attempt to call an object returned from a published object. Results of calling a published function are simply converted to strings and returned. When a document template is converted to a string, the document template source is returned. In the example above, the document template source, rather than the rendered template is returned.

The dtml-var Tag

The dtml- var tag is used to perform simple variable substitutions. A number of attributes are provided to control how text is to be inserted and formatted. The attributes are summarized in table 15.

dtml-var tag attributes

Attribute name

Needs an argument?




Insert the name of the variable.



Insert an expression that evaluates a value.



Specify a data format, which may be a special, custom, or C-style format.



Specify a string to be substituted for null values.



Convert all upper-case letters to lower case



Convert all lower-case letters to upper case.



Convert the first character of the inserted to upper case.



Convert underscores in the inserted value to spaces.



In a value containing all numbers, insert commas every three digits to the left of a decimal point. For example, "12000 widgets" becomes "12,000 widgets".



Convert characters that have special meaning in HTML to HTML character entities.



Convert characters that have special meaning in URLs to HTML character entities using decimal values.



Converts a single space character in URLs to the plus sign "+".



Convert single quotation mark to a pair of single quotation marks. This is needed to safely include values in Standard Query Language (SQL) strings.



Convert new-line characters, carriage-return characters, and new-line-carriage-return character combinations to new-line characters followed by HTML break tags.



Truncate the value to the given size.



Provide a string to be added to truncated text to indicate that truncation has occurred. The default value is "...".



Provide a value to be used if the variable is missing, rather than raising an KeyError. Used without an argument, it will provide an empty string.

Custom, Special, C, and Empty Formats

A custom format is used for the output of objects. The value of a custom format is the method name evaluated upon the object to be inserted. The method should return an object that, when converted to a string, yields the desired text. For example, the DTML source text:

<dtml-var date fmt=DayOfWeek>

inserts the result of calling the method, DayOfWeek, with the value of the variable date . As the example suggests, the most common use of custom formats in Zope is in the output of date-time data. The appendix A provides a summary of the custom formats available for date-time data.

In addition to custom formats, a few special formats are defined by the var tag that can be used with the fmt attribute. These are summarized in table 16.

Special formats that may be used with the var tag fmt attribute

Special Format



Show a numeric value with a dollar symbol.


Show a numeric value with a dollar symbol and two decimal places.


Get the length of a collection of objects.


Allows use of structured text as a special format.

In addition to custom and special formats, C11-style formats may also be used. A C-style format consists of text containing a single conversion specification. A conversion specification consists of a percent sign, optionally followed by a flag, a field width, a precision value, and a conversion specifier. A description of C-style formats is beyond the scope of this document. For details on C-style formats, see a C-language reference manual. Not all conversion specifiers are supported by DTML. Table 17 summarizes the conversion specifiers that DTML does support.

C-style specifiers for the fmt attribute




Signed decimal integers


Scientific notation


Scientific notation (uppercase E)


Decimal floating point


Shorter of e or f


Shorter of E or F


Signed decimal integers


Unsigned octal


String of characters


Unsigned decimal integers


Unsigned hexadecimal lowercase


Unsigned hexadecimal uppercase

Null Values

In some applications, and especially in database applications, data variables may alternate between "good" and "null" or "missing" values. A format that is used for good values may be inappropriate for null values. For this reason, the null attribute can be used to specify text to be inserted for null values. Null values are defined as values which:

For example, when showing a monetary value retrieved from a database that is either an invalid number or a missing value, the following variable insertion might be used:

<dtml-var cost fmt="$%.2d" null='n/a'>


The attributes size and etc can be used to truncate long strings. If the size attribute is specified, then the string to be inserted is truncated at the given length. If a space occurs in the second half of the truncated string, then the string is further truncated to the right-most space. After truncation, the value given for the etc attribute is added to the string. If the etc attribute is not provided, then " ... " is used. For example, if the value of the variable color is "red yellow orange green blue", then the tag:

<dtml-var spam size=10 etc="...">


red yellow...

A dtml- var Tag Example, the Default Document Source

When a Zope Document is created and no source is given, Zope supplies a default DTML source, as shown in figure 1.

Default Zope Document source

<dtml-var standard_html_header>
<H2><dtml-var title_or_id> <dtml-var document_title></H2>
<P>This is the <dtml-var document_id> Document in
the <dtml-var title_and_id> Folder.</P>
<dtml-var standard_html_footer>

In figure 1, several dtml- var tags are used. The first var tag inserts standard_html_header . Inserted in almost all Zope Documents, the standard_html_header is a Document which provides a standard way to begin HTML documents in a Zope installation. Thus, the inserted Document gives a Zope installation a common "look and feel". The standard_html_header document can be edited to customize a Zope installation and can be overridden in sub-folders to give different parts of a site varying appearances. The document standard_html_footer provides a similar function for the end of Zope documents. The var tags that insert standard_html_header and standard_html_footer illustrate the notion that DTML documents can be called from another DTML document.

The variables title_or_id and title_and_id are methods defined on most Zope objects. The method title_or_id returns the object's title if the title is not blank, otherwise the object's id is returned. The method title_and_id returns the title of an object followed by the id in parentheses if the title is not blank, otherwise the id is returned. In figure 1, the title_or_id and title_and_id methods are applied to the folder containing the document. The example illustrates the use of var tags to insert the results of method calls.

The variables document_id and document_title simply return the id and title of the document.

Conditional Insertion, the dtml-if and dtml-unless Tags

Occasionally, the text to be included in a document is dependent upon some data. The if tag is provided to support the conditional insertion of text based on DTML variables or expressions. As described in "DTML Tag Syntax", the dtml-if tag has four forms:

  1. An dtml-if tag, with a closing /dtml-if tag,
  2. An dtml-if tag with an dtml-else tag and a closing /dtml-if tag.
  3. An dtml-if tag with one or more dtml-elif tags, an dtml-else tag, and a closing /dtml-if tag, and
  4. An dtml-if tag with one or more dtml-elif tags, no dtml-else tag, and a closing /if tag.

The dtml-if tag works in a straightforward manner. The variable or expression given in the dtml-if tag is evaluated. If the variable or expression value is true12, then the text following the dtml-if tag is inserted. If the variable or expression value is false, then for each dtml-elif tag given, the variable or expression given in the dtml-elif tag is evaluated. If an dtml-elif variable or expression value is true, the text following the dtml-elif tag is inserted and none of the following dtml-elif variables or expressions are evaluated. If there are no dtml-elif tags or if all of the dtml-elif tag variable or expression values are false, then the text following the dtml-else tag is inserted. If no dtml-else tag was supplied, then no text is inserted.

The dtml-if and dtml-elif tags support only the standard name and expr attributes. The dtml-else tag accepts no attributes.

In addition to the dtml-if tag, the dtml- unless tag is provided with its associated closing tag, /dtml-unless, to insert text if a condition is false. Like the dtml-if tag, the dtml- unless tag accepts the standard name and expr attributes:

<dtml-unless input_name>
You did not provide a name.

Iterative Insertion, the dtml-in Tag

Commonly, it is necessary to insert a sequence of values. Some objects, like Zope SQL Method s, and Confera Topics support searching and a means is needed for iterating over search results.

When creating input forms with select lists, it is sometimes a good idea to store the contents of the list in a folder property so that the list can be edited independently from the input form. In this case, the select list options are inserted into a form by iterating over the list property.

The dtml-in tag is used to iterate over a sequence of objects. For example, an employee directory listing might be created with DTML source like that shown in figure 2. In this example, employees is either a sequence of employees, or a function, such as an Zope SQL Method , that computes a sequence of employees. Each employee has a name and phone attribute. These attributes are accessed using dtml- var tags. An dtml- in tag's sort attribute is used to sort employees by name in the output. The dtml-in tag attributes are listed in table 18.

DTML source to create an employee phone listing

<tr><th>Name</th><th>Phone number</th></tr>
<dtml-in employees sort=name>
<td><dtml-var name></td>
<td><dtml-var phone></td>

dtml-in tag attributes


Needs an argument




Insert the name of the variable. See "The name attribute".



Insert an expression that evaluates the value. See The expr attribute".



Normally, the attributes of items in the sequence are displayed. But, some items should be treated as mapping objects, meaning that the items are to be looked up.



The sort attribute is used to cause a sequence of objects to be sorted before text insertion is performed. The attribute value is the name of the attribute (or key if the mapping attribute was provided) that items should be sorted on.



The name of a (request) variable that specifies the number of the row on which to start a batch.



The batch size.



Use of this attribute causes items to be skipped if access to the item is unauthorized. See "Access Control". If this attribute is not used, then Unauthorized errors are raised if unauthorized items are encountered.



The desired minimum batch size.



The number of rows to overlap between batches.



If the previous attribute is included, then iterative insertion will not be performed. The text following the in tag will be inserted and batch processing variables associated with information about a previous batch will be made available.



Used with the sort attribute, objects can be sorted in reverse order.



The next attribute has the same meaning and use as the previous attribute except that variables associated with the next batch are provided.

In the example, an empty table would be displayed if there were no employees. To avoid displaying an empty table a message can be provided indicating that there are no employee by using the in tag in combination with the dtml-if tag, as shown in figure 3. In figure 3, the dtml-if tag is used with the employees variable. Sequences of objects are false if they are empty and true if they are not. If there are no employees, the condition in the dtml-if tag is false and the text following the dtml-else tag is inserted.

DTML source to create an employee phone listing which properly handles the case of no employees by using an in tag with an dtml-if tag.

<dtml-if employees>
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Phone number</th></tr>
<dtml-in employees sort=name reverse>
<td><dtml-var name></td>
<td><dtml-var phone></td>
Sorry, there are no employees.

The dtml-else Tag as an Intermediate Tag in the dtml-in Tag

In the previous example (figure 2) an dtml- in tag is combined with an dtml-if tag to avoid showing an empty table for an empty sequence of employees. An alternative approach is to use an intermediate dtml-else tag in the dtml-in tag. If an dtml-in tag has an intermediate dtml-else tag, then the text following the dtml-else tag is inserted if the sequence used in the dtml-in tag is empty. Figure 4 shows DTML source which uses an dtml-else tag in the dtml-in tag to avoid showing an empty table. The output from this source is the same as the output from the source shown in figure 3. The source in figure 4 is actually more complex that the source in figure 3. The added complexity is due to the fact that the table header and footer have to be moved inside the dtml-in tag. Furthermore, the insertion of the table header and footer has to be conditioned on whether or not an item is the first item, last item, or neither by using the variables sequence-start and sequence-end (table 19).

DTML source to create an employee phone listing which properly handles the case of no employees by using an dtml-else tag in an dtml-in tag.

<dtml-in employees sort=name>
<dtml-if sequence-start>
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Phone number</th></tr>
<td><dtml-var name></td>
<td><dtml-var phone></td>
<dtml-if sequence-end>
Sorry, there are no employees.



When a name attribute is used in an dtml-in tag within an if tag, the sequence is only evaluated once, since the dtml-if tag caches the value associated with a name attribute.

In most cases, it is best to use an dtml-in tag inside an dtml-if tag, as illustrated in figure 3. One case in which it may be best to use an dtml-else tag within an dtml-in tag is when the sequence used by the dtml-in tag is computed using an expr attribute and the computation is expensive. Use of the dtml-else tag in the dtml-in tag avoids having to define and evaluate the expression twice.


Variables Defined by the dtml-in Tag

When text is inserted using an dtml-in tag, a copy of the text is inserted for each item in the sequence. Tags in the inserted text have access to variables not available outside the dtml-in tag. These include:

In addition, for each of the variables listed in tables 19, 22, and 23 with names ending in "-index", there exist variables whose names end in "-number", "-roman", "-Roman", "-letter", and "-Letter" which are indexed from 1, "i","I", "a", and "A", respectively. The sequence-index variable is used to number items as text is inserted. Variables like sequence-letter and sequence-roman provide numbering using letters and Roman numerals.

Item variables defined by the dtml-in tag




The current item.


The key associated with the element in an items sequence. An items sequence is a sequence of value pairs that represent a mapping from a key to a value.


The index, starting from 0, of the element within the sequence.


The variable is true if the element being displayed is the first of the displayed elements, and false otherwise. This is useful when text must be inserted at the beginning of an dtml-in tag, especially if the text refers to any variables defined by the dtml-in tag.


The variable is true if the element being displayed is the last of the displayed elements, and false otherwise. This is useful when text must be inserted at the end of an dtml-in tag, especially if the text refers to any variables defined by the dtml-in tag.

There also exist variables ending in "-even" and "-odd", which test whether the sequence index is even or odd. This is useful to display rows more visibly by alternating colors.

Finally, for each of the variables ending in "-index", there are variables whose names end in "-var-xxx", where "xxx" is an element attribute name or key. This is useful when displaying previous- and next-batch information. The construct is also useful if used in an dtml-if tag to test whether or not an attribute is present since the attribute lookup will not be extended to the full document template name space.

Summary Statistics

The dtml-in tag provides variables (table 20) for accessings. Summary statistics are computed over the entire sequence, not just over the items displayed.

Summary statistic variables defined by the dtml-in tag



total-nnn 13

The total of numeric values.


The total number of non-missing values.


The minimum of non-missing values.


The maximum of non-missing values.


The median of non-missing values.


The mean of numeric values.


The variance of numeric values computed with a degrees of freedom equal to the (count - 1).


The variance of numeric values computed with a degrees of freedom equal to the count.


The standard deviation of numeric values computed with a degrees of freedom equal

to the (count - 1).


The standard deviation of numeric values computed with a degrees of freedom equal to the count.

Grouping Variables

The dtml-in tag defines special variables used for testing when a "grouping" variable changes. These variables begin with the prefix "first-" or "last-". Their value is used to test whether an item is the first or last item in a subsequence of displayed items whose value is the same value for the given item variable.

Special variables for group processing




True if the current item is the first item among the displayed items that has the current value for variable, nnn ; False otherwise.


True if the current item is the last item among the displayed items that has the current value for variable, nnn ; False otherwise

Batch Processing

When displaying a large number of objects, it may be impractical to display all of the data at once. While the approach used in figure 3 is practical for a small group of employees, it is impractical for browsing the employees of a large company.

For this reason, the dtml-in tag provides support for batch processing. Information is displayed in batches. Variables are provided (table 22) to aid in the construction of HTML hyperlinks to other batches.

Batch-processing variables




The original query string given in a get request with the form variable named in the start attribute removed.


The batch size used.


The variable is true when the first element is displayed, and when the first element displayed is not the first element in the sequence.


The index, starting from 0, of the start of the batch previous to the current batch.


The index, starting from 0, of the end of the batch previous to the current batch.


The size of the batch previous to the current batch.


A sequence of mapping objects containing information about all of the batches prior to the batch being displayed.


The variable is true when the last element is displayed, and when the last element displayed is not the last element in the sequence.


The index, starting from 0, of the start of the batch after the current batch.


The index, starting from 0, of the end of the batch after the current batch.


The size of the batch after the current batch.


A sequence of mapping objects containing information about all of the batches after the batch being displayed.

Attributes of batch objects used when iterating over next-batches and previous-batches variables.




The index, starting from 0, of the beginning of the batch.


The index, starting from 0, of the end of the batch.


The size of the batch.

The batch-processing facilities of the dtml-in tag are quite powerful, but the various options and approaches are complex. For lucidity, take for example a simple table of 36 words (figure 5). The DTML source in figure 6 is used to display this data. The DTML uses an if tag to test for an empty sequence of words. The actual sequence is named w36 . Inside the if tag, there are three dtml-in tags. All three dtml-in tags include the attributes, size with the value 5 and start with the value qs . The size attribute is used to specify a batch size. For example purposes, the batch size is unusually small. The start parameter is used to specify the name of a variable which holds the index of the first element of the sequence to be displayed. If the variable is not defined, then the first batch is displayed. Figure 7 shows the output of the DTML as displayed on a Web browser for the first two and last two batches.

DTML source to browse 36 words, 5 words at a time

<dtml-var standard_html_header>

<dtml-if w36>

<dtml-in w36 previous size=5 start=qs>
<a href="<dtml-var document_id><dtml-var sequence-query
>qs=<dtml-var previous-sequence-start-number>">
(Previous <dtml-var previous-sequence-size> results)</a>

<table border>
<dtml-in w36 size=5 start=qs>
<tr><td><dtml-var WORD></td></tr>

<dtml-in w36 next size=5 start=qs>
<a href="<dtml-var document_id><dtml-var sequence-query
>qs=<dtml-var next-sequence-start-number>">
(Next <dtml-var next-sequence-size> results)</a>

Sorry, no words.

<dtml-var standard_html_footer>

The output of the DTML source in figure 6 as displayed in a Web browser for several batches.





(words 1-5)

(words 6-10)

(words 26-30)

(words 31-36)

The first of the three dtml-in tags is used to display an HTML hyperlink to a previous batch of data. The previous attribute in the dtml-in tag indicates that only previous-batch data should be displayed. Row data are not displayed. If the first batch is being displayed, then no text is inserted (figure 7 (words 1-5)). The source in the first dtml-in tag uses four variable references. The first retrieves the document_id , which is used as a relative URL name for the document. The second variable reference uses sequence-query to retrieve the request query string which has been modified so that it does not include the variable named in the dtml-in tag start attribute, qs . The sequence-query value also contains the necessary punctuation, ` ? ' and ` & ', so that the document_id , sequence-query and URL-encoded value for the next batch start can be concatenated. The URL-encoded value of the next batch start is " qs= " followed by the variable, previous-sequence-start-number . The variable previous-sequence-size provides the size of the previous batch for display in the hyperlink. Note that the previous (or next) sequence size is not necessarily equal to the batch size.

The DTML source has been split over multiple lines by introducing line breaks within var tags. This is a useful way to break up long lines without causing line-breaks to be included in generated HTML.

The second dtml-in tag simply displays the rows in the batch. The third dtml-in tag is similar to the first dtml-in tag, except that a hyperlink to the next batch, rather than the previous batch, is displayed. Table 24 shows the query string, previous batch URL and next-batch URL for the example shown in figure 7.

Query strings and previous batch URL14 and next batch URL for the batches shown in figure 7


Query string

Previous-batch URL

Next- batch URL

















Orphan rows

Note that in the previous example the size of the last batch is six. This is because the dtml-in tag has a feature which attempts to prevent the display of very small batches by combining them with adjacent batches. Normally, if the number of rows in a batch is less than or equal to two, then it is combined with an adjacent batch. The orphan attribute in the dtml-in tag can be used to provide an alternative setting. The value provided in an orphan attribute is the desired minimum batch size. The default setting for an orphan attribute is 3 (three).

Overlapping batches

Normally, batches are non-overlapping. For large batch sizes, it is sometimes useful to overlap rows between batches. The overlap attribute in the in tag is used to specify how many rows to overlap between batches. The overlap attribute's default value is 0.

Showing row number and row data in previous and next batch hyperlinks.

The variables beginning previous-sequence-start- , previous-sequence-end- , next-sequence-start- and next-sequence-end- and ending in index , number , roman , Roman , letter , Letter , and var-xxx , where xxx is a row attribute (or key) name, can be used to label which rows begin and end previous and next batches. This is illustrated in figures 8 and 9, which use various batch insertion variables to label previous and next batches.

Using batch-processing variables to number previous and next batch rows using Roman and Arabic numerals.

<dtml-in w36 previous size=5 start=qs>
(<dtml-var previous-sequence-start-roman> -
<dtml-var previous-sequence-end-roman>)

<table border><tr><th>WORD</th></tr>
<dtml-in w36 size=5 start=qs>
<tr><td><dtml-var WORD></td></tr>

<dtml-in w36 next size=5 start=qs>
(<dtml-var next-sequence-start-number> -
<dtml-var next-sequence-end-number>)


Using batch-processing variables to number previous-batch rows using letters and next-batch starting and ending words.

<dtml-in w36 previous size=5 start=qs>
(<dtml-var previous-sequence-start-letter> -
<dtml-var previous-sequence-end-letter>)

<table border><tr><th>WORD</th></tr>
<dtml-in w36 size=5 start=qs>
<tr><td><dtml-var WORD></td></tr>

<dtml-in w36 next size=5 start=qs>
(<dtml-var next-sequence-start-var-WORD> -
<dtml-var next-sequence-end-var-WORD>)


Showing information about multiple batches

Hyperlinks to multiple batches can be provided using the next-batches and previous-batches variables. These variables provide access to sequences of mapping objects containing information about all previous and next batches. Figure 10 implements the use of previous-batches to show hyperlinks to previous batches using starting and ending row numbers and next-batches to show hyperlinks to next batches using starting and ending words. Note that nested dtml-in tags are used to iterate over batch information. The nested dtml-in tags must use the mapping attribute because the items in the sequences, associated with next-batches and previous-batches, are mapping objects.

Use of DTML to provide links to all previous and next batches.

<dtml-in w36 previous size=5 start=qs>
<dtml-in previous-batches mapping>
<dtml-unless sequence-start>, </dtml-unless>
<a href="<dtml-var document_id><dtml-var sequence-query
>qs=<dtml-var batch-start-number>">
<dtml-var batch-start-number> -
<dtml-var batch-end-number></a>

<table border><tr><th>WORD</th></tr>
<dtml-in w36 size=5 start=qs>
<tr><td><dtml-var WORD></td></tr>

<dtml-in w36 next size=5 start=qs>
<dtml-in next-batches mapping>
</dtml-unless sequence-start>, <dtml-unless>
<a href="<dtml-var document_id><dtml-var sequence-query
>qs=<dtml-var batch-start-number>">
<dtml-var batch-start-var-WORD> -
<dtml-var batch-end-var-WORD></a>


Displaying Objects with the dtml-with Tag

The dtml-with tag can be used to expand the namespace of a document template by adding attributes (or mapping keys) from an object which already exists in the document template namespace. For example, if a document template is used to display a folder, the contents of a sub-folder can be displayed using a dtml-with tag:

<dtml-with subfolder>
<dtml-var title>

In combination dtml-with the namespace method of the special variable, _, the dtml-with tag can be used to add new variables to the DTML name space:

<dtml-with "_.namespace(profit=price-cost, title=product_name+' summary')">
<h3><dtml-var title></h3>
The profit is <dtml-var profit>

A common use of the dtml-with tag is to cause request variables to be used before object attributes:

The current id is <dtml-var id>
<dtml-with REQUEST>
The id you entered was <dtml-var id>

Normally, document templates are used as methods of objects. Object attributes commonly take precedence over request variables. Using the REQUEST variable in a dtml-with tag causes the request to be searched before other parts of the name space.

Using the only Attribute to Limit the Namespace

The only attribute, unique to the dtml-with tag, prunes the enclosing namespaces when rendering the body of the tag. This is advantageous to prevent acquisition within DTML:

<dtml-with REQUEST only>
<dtml-unless id>
An id was not specified.



Without the only attribute, the above DTML would likely get an id value from the enclosing environment, which, in this example, is unwanted.


Multiple assignments with the dtml-let Tag

The dtml-let tag works like the dtml-with tag. It is more flexible in that it allows you to make multiple assignments; and allows you to chain assignments, using earlier declarations in later assignments.

The dtml-let tag is a new tag that lets you create blocks like:

<dtml-in "1,2,3,4">

<dtml-let num=sequence-item



<dtml-var num> * <dtml-var index> = <dtml-var result>



Which yields:

1 * 0 = 0

2 * 1 = 2

3 * 2 = 6

4 * 3 = 12


Notice in the above example, the 'result' variable is based on 'num', and 'index', both of which are assigned in the same dtml-let expression.

The syntax of the dtml-let tag requires that each argument to be evaluated in the head of the dtml-let tag must be separated by a newline. Enclosing an argument in double quotes causes it to be evaluated by the DTML expression machinery ("num*index"). Unquoted arguments are referenced by name.

Evaluation of the dtml-let tag is in sequence. The results of earlier assignments are available in later assignments. Later assignments can also override earlier ones, which can be helpful for longer step-by-step calculations. The variables set are in effect for the life of the dtml-let block.

Evaluating Names or Expressions without Generating Text Using the dtml-call Tag

Sometimes, document templates are used to perform actions in addition to or even instead of displaying results. Methods can be called when evaluating name attributes or in expr attribute expressions. These methods may perform a useful action but produce no output or produce an output which is not needed. The dtml- call tag is provided for evaluating expressions or calling methods that have a useful side effect without inserting any text:

<dtml-call "addDocument('hi','display a greeting','Hello world!')">

Reporting Errors with the dtml-raise Tag

In many applications, inputs or other variables need to be checked for validity before actions are performed. DTML provides a convenient means of performing validity checks by using the dtml-raise tag in combination with the if tag. Validity checks are performed with the if tag. The dtml-raise tag is used to report the errors.

The dtml-raise tag has a type attribute for specifying an error type. Like the standard name attribute, the attribute name of the type attribute may be omitted. The error type is a short descriptive name for the error. In addition, there are some standard types, like " Unauthorized " and " Redirect " that are returned as HTTP errors. In particular, " Unauthorized " errors cause a log-in prompt to be displayed on the user's browser.

The dtml-raise tag is a non-empty tag. The source enclosed by the dtml-raise tag is rendered to create an error message. If the rendered text contains any HTML markup, then Zope will display the text as an error message on the browser, otherwise a generic error message is displayed.

Here is a dtml-raise tag example:

<dtml-if "balance >= debit_amount">
<dtml-call "debitAccount(account)">
Your account, <dtml-var account>, has been debited.
<dtml-raise type="Insufficient funds">
There is not enough money in account <dtml-account>
to cover the requested debit amount.<p>

The dtml-raise tag causes a Zope error to occur. However, there is an important side effect to this error that causes any changes made by a web request to be ignored, assuming that a transactional persistence mechanism, like the Zope Database is being used.

Exception Handling with the dtml-try Tag

Exceptions are unexpected errors Zope encounters during the rendering of a DTML statement. Once an exception is detected, the normal execution of the DTML stops. Consider the following example:

Cost per unit: $<dtml-var expr="_.float(total_cost/total_units)">

This statement functions normally if total_units is not zero. However, in the event that total_units is zero, a ZeroDivisionError exception is raised indicating an illegal operation. Thus, rather than rendering the DTML, an error message will be returned.

DTML provides the dtml-try tag to catch and handle these problematic exceptions within a block of DTML code. This allows you to anticipate and handle errors yourself, rather than getting a Zope error message whenever an exception occurs.

As an exception handler, the dtml-try tag has two functions. First, if an exception is raised, the dtml-try tag gains control of execution and handles the exception appropriately, and thus avoids returning a Zope error message. Second, the dtml-try tag allows the rendering of any subsequent DMTL to continue.


Within the dtml-try tag are one or more dtml-except tags that identify and handle different exceptions. When an exception is raised, each dtml-except tag is checked in turn to see if it matches the exception's type. The first dtml-except tag to match handles the exception. If no exceptions are given in a dtml-except tag, then the dtml-except tag will match all exceptions.

Implementing the dtml-try tag in the example above would resemble:


Cost per unit: $<dtml-var expr="_.float(total_cost/total_units")>

<dtml-except ZeroDivisionError>

Cost per unit: N/A


If a ZeroDivisionError is raised, control goes to the dtml-except tag, and "Cost per unit: N/A" is rendered. Once the statements of the dtml-except tag finish, execution of DTML continues past the dtml-try block.

DTML's except tags work with Python's class-based exceptions. In addition to matching exceptions by name, the dtml-except tag will match any subclass of the named exception. For example, if ArithmaticError is named in a dtml-except tag, the tag can handle all ArithmaticError subclasses including, ZeroDivisionError.

Inside the body of a dtml-except tag you can access information about the handled exception through several special variables. These variables are:

  1. error_type, which represents the type of the handled exception,
  2. error_value , which represents the value of the handled exception, and
  3. error_tb , which represents the traceback of the handled exception.


The dtml-try tag optional dtml-else block

The dtml-try tag has an optional dtml-else block that is rendered if an exception didn't occur. The exceptions in the else block are not handled by the preceding dtml-except blocks. Implementing the dtml-else tag with the dtml-try tag would be like:


<dtml-except SomeError AnotherError>

<dtml-except YetAnotherError>




The first dtml-except block to match the type of error raised is rendered. If a dtml-except block has no name, then it matches all raised errors. The optional dtml-else block is rendered when no exception occurs in the dtml-try block. Exception in the dtml-else block are not handled by the preceding dtml-except blocks.

The dtml-try tag optional dtml-finally block

In addition to the dtml-else block, the dtml-try tag has the ability to use a dtml-finally block that is always rendered whether an exception occurs or not. The dtml-finally form specifies a cleanup block to be rendered even when a exception occurs. Note, any rendered results are discarded if an exception occurs in either the try or finally blocks. The dtml-finally block is only of any used if you need to clean up something that will not be cleaned up by the transaction abort code. The dtml-finally block will always be called, whether there is an exception or nor and whether a return tage is used or not. If you use a dtml-return tag in the try block, any output of the dtml-finally block is discarded.


Important to note, if a exception occurs in the dtml-try block and an exception occurs in the dtml-finally block any information about the first exception is lost. It follows that if a return tag is used in the dtml-try block and an exception occurs in the dtml-finally block, the result returned in the dtml-try block will be lost. Also, if a return tag is used in the dtml-finally block, the result returned in the dtml-try block will be lost as well.

Excluding Source Text with the dtml-comment Tag

The dtml- comment tag provides a way to exclude source text from the rendered text. The dtml- comment tag is a simple non-empty tag that inserts no text. Further, the source enclosed by a dtml- comment tag is not rendered. Dtml- comment tags can be used to provide explanatory text or to disable parts of the source. Comment tags can be nested. Here is an example:

<dtml-call updateData>
The data have been updated.

This comment is used to disable logging.


The following call records that updates were made

<dtml-call logUpdates>

Returning Data using the dtml-return tag

The dtml-return tag is used to return data rather than text from a DTML method. It provides a way to use DTML methods to perform simple computation that can be used by other DTML methods and Zope objects. The only attributes supported by the dtml-return tag are the standard name and expr attributes.


Consider the following example:

blah blah

<dtml-return "1">


When this DTL method is executed, the number 1 is returned. The text "blah blah" is not returned. In:

<dtml-in objectIds>

<dtml-return sequence-item>




If there are any object ids, then the first one is returned, otherwise, the DTML text, "blah" is returned.

Displaying Information Hierarchically: the dtml-tree tag

Zope objects are organized and presented in a hierarchical fashion, so it is only natural that there should be a DTML facility to aid in the hierarchical display of information. This facility is the dtml-tree tag. The dtml-tree tag is similar to the dtml- in tag, in that it is applied to objects that contain other objects. However, in addition to iterating over sub-objects, the dtml-tree tag provides the ability to expand and iterate over sub-objects of sub-objects.

The dtml-tree tag provides many options which allow you quite a bit of control over how the tree is displayed.

Figure 11 shows two tree views of a Zope site with and without a folder expanded. This view is generated with the DTML shown in figure 12.

A tree view of a folders in a Zope "school" site with
(a) no top-level folders expanded and (b) the Grades folder expanded





DTML source to produce the tree views shown in figure 11.

<dtml-var standard_html_header>

<dtml-var id>

<dtml-var standard_html_footer>

This example shows an extremely simple form of the dtml-tree tag. No attributes are used. Although the dtml-tree tag can use the standard name and expr attributes to specify data to be displayed, these attributes may be and usually are omitted. The dtml-tree tag usually uses the current folder as the source of data to be displayed. The text following the dtml-tree tag is inserted for each "branch" of a tree. The attributes that can be used with the dtml-tree tag are summarized in table 21.

dtml-tree tag attributes.


Value required?




Insert the name of the variable to be inserted.



Insert an expression that evaluates to the value to be inserted.



The name of the method used to find sub-objects. This defaults to tpValues, which is a method defined by a number of objects in Zope and in Zope products.



An expression which is evaluated to find sub-objects. This attribute performs the same function as the branches attribute but uses an expression rather than the name of a method.



The name of a method or attribute used to determine the id of an object for the purposes of calculating tree state. This defaults to tpId which is a method defined by many Zope objects. This attribute is mostly useful for developers who wish to have fine control of the internal representation of the tree state.



The name of a method or attribute used to determine the url of an object. This defaults to tpURL which is a method defined by many Zope objects. This attribute is mostly useful for developers who wish to have fine control over tree url generation.



The name of a Document used to expand sub-objects that do not have sub-object branches.



The name of a Document to be shown at the top of each expansion. This provides an opportunity to "brand" a branch in a hierarchy. If the named document cannot be found for a branch, then the header attribute is ignored for that branch.



The name of a Document to be shown at the bottom of each expansion. If the named document cannot be found for a branch, then the footer attribute is ignored for that branch.



Either 0 or 1. If 0, then branch text will wrap to fit in available space, otherwise, text may be truncated. The default value is 0.



Sort branches before text insertion is performed. The attribute value is the name of the attribute that items should be sorted on.



Either 0 or 1. If 1, then all items are assume to have sub-items, and will therefore always have a plus sign in front of them when they are collapsed. Only when an item is expanded will sub-objects be looked for. This could be a good option when the retrieval of sub-objects is a costly process.



Either 0 or 1. If 1, then only one branch of the tree can be expanded. Any expanded branches will collapse when a new branch is expanded.



Either 0 or 1. If 1, then no errors will be raised trying to display sub-objects to which the user does not have sufficient access.

By default, the dtml-tree tag displays branches and sub-branches of an object. Branches are normally found by calling a method named tpValues of the object being displayed by the dtml-tree tag. Many Zope objects, including folders, provide tpValues methods. Alternatively, the branches method may be used to specify a different method to call to find branches. For example, to display all sub-objects of a folder, the objectValues method may be used (figure 13).

Use of the branches tag to display all sub-objects in a folder.

<dtml-var standard_html_header>

<dtml-tree branches=objectValues>
>/<dtml-var icon>">
<dtml-var id>

<dtml-var standard_html_footer>


An object that does not have sub-branches may instead define "leaves" by using the leaves attribute of the dtml-tree tag. The argument to the leaves attribute is a Document object. This is commonly used when browsing database data. Branches are used to provide a hierarchical organization to data and leaves are used to display data within a hierarchical grouping.

The header and footer attributes are similar to the leaves attribute, in that they are used to specify documents to be displayed when a branch is expanded. Unlike the leaves attribute, they are only used when there are sub-branches of an object. The header document is displayed before the display of sub-branches, and the footer is displayed following sub-branches.

The dtml-tree tag sets a number of variables in the DTML namespace as it renders sub-objects. These variables allow sub-objects to tailor their representation to their position within the tree. Perhaps the most useful variable set by the dtml-tree tag is the tree-item-expanded variable. If this variable is true then the tree item knows that it has been expanded. The variables set by the tree tag are summarized in Table 26.

Variables set by the dtml-tree tag when rendering sub-objects.




True is the current item is expanded.


The URL of the current item relative to the URL of the DTML document in which the tree tag appears. This variable relies on the tree tag's url attribute to generate the tree-item URL


The URL of the DTML document in which the tree tag appears.


The depth of the current item. Items at the top of the tree have a level of 0.


The number of levels deep the tree is being rendered. This variable along with the tree-level variable can be used to calculate table rows and colspan settings when inserting table rows into the tree table.


The tree state expressed as a list of ids and sub-lists of ids. This variable is mostly of interest to developers who which to have precise knowledge of a tree's state.

Additionally, the dtml-tree tag responds to several variables set the DTML namespace. You can expand and collapse the entire tree by setting the expand_all and collapse_all variables. Table 27 details the variables which control tree state.

Variable that influence the dtml-tree tag




If set to a true value, this variable causes the entire tree to be expanded.


If set to a true value, this variable causes the entire tree to be collapsed.


This variable contains the tree state in a compressed and encoded form. This variable is set in a cookie to allow the tree to maintain its state. Developers may control the state of the tree directly by setting this variable, though this is not recommended.


This variable contains a compressed and encoded list of ids to expand. Developers may control the state of the tree directly by setting this variable, though this is not recommended.


This variable contains a compressed and encoded list of ids to collapse. Developers may control the state of the tree directly by setting this variable, though this is not recommended.

One common application of these variables is to provide links which allow a tree to be expanded and collapsed. Here's an example of how this could be done in DTML:


<a href="<dtml-var URL0>?expand_all=1">Expand tree</a> |

<a href="<dtml-var URL0>?collapse_all=1">Collapse tree</a>


This snippet of DTML provides two links to the current page. One link will cause the current page's tree to expand, the other will cause it to collapse.


Sending Mail: the dtml-sendmail tag

The dtml-sendmail tag is used to send an electronic message using the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). Unlike other DTML tags, the dtml-sendmail tag does not cause any text to be included in output. Figure 14 shows a DTML document, named SendFeedback , which uses the dtml-sendmail tag to send information collected in a feedback form (figure 15). The dtml-sendmail tag requires numerous pieces of information that are specified by dtml-sendmail tag attributes, shown in Table 28. At minimum, either a Zope MailHost object must be specified, or a SMTP host address must be specified using a smtphost attribute. The recipients, sender, and subject information are required, but they may be provided either as dtml-sendmail tag attributes, or using "header" lines15 at the beginning of the message (figure 14).

A sample document that uses the dtml-sendmail tag

<dtml-var standard_html_header>

<dtml-sendmail smtphost="">
To: Product Support <<dtml-var support>>
From: Web Feedback Form <<dtml-var feedback>>
Subject: <dtml-var subject>

<dtml-var body>

Thank you for your input!

<dtml-var standard_html_footer>

A feedback form that collects a subject and body from a user and submits them to the SendFeedback document shown in figure 14.

<dtml-var standard_html_header>

<H2>We want your input!</H2>

<form action=SendFeedback>
Subject: <input type=text name=subject size=40>
<textarea name=body rows=10 cols=50>
<input type=submit value="Send Feedback">

<dtml-var standard_html_footer>

dtml-sendmail tag attributes




A Zope MailHost object that manages Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) and port information. This attribute is not used if the smtphost attribute is used.


The address of a SMTP server. Mail will be delivered to this server, which will do most of the work of sending mail. This attribute is not used if the mailhost attribute is used.


If the smtphost attribute is used, then the port attribute is used to specify a port number to connect to. If not specified, then port 25 will be used.


A recipient address or a list of recipient addresses separated by commas.


A sender address.


The subject of the message.

The text following the dtml-sendmail tag can and usually does use DTML tags to include data from input forms and Zope objects. In the S endFeedback example in figure 14, the variables support and feedback are supplied from Folder properties and the variables subject and body are supplied from the FeedbackForm Document shown in figure 15.

Sending Attachments with the dtml-mime Tag

The dtml-mime tag is used in conjunction with the dtml-sendmail tag to send attachments along with electronic mail messages16. The dtml-mime tag automatically sets the content type of the entire message to multipart/mixed. Thus, a variety of data can be attached to a single message using one or more dtml-boundary tags. Figure 16 uses the dtml-mime tag to attach the file, yearly_report, to an email formed by the dtml-sendmail tag.

The dtml-mime tag used to attach a file to an email message

<dtml-var standard_hmtl_header>



To: <dtml-var who>

<dtml-mime type=text/plain encode=7bit>


Here is the yearly report.


<dtml-boundary type=application/octet-stream disposition=attachment encode=base64><dtml-var "yearly_report">





Mail with attachment was sent.

<dtml-var standard_hmtl_footer>

The dtml-mime tag and dtml-boundary tags contain several attributes, listed in Table 19, that specify MIME header information for their particular content. Since the opening dtml-mime tag in Figure 16 contains the body of the message, and does not require encoding, encode is set to 7bit.

Notice in Figure 16, there is no space between the opening dtml-mime tag and the TO: header. If a space is present, then the message will not be interpreted as by the receiving mailreader. Also notice, there are no spaces between the dtml-boundary, var or closing dtml-mime tags. I

dtml-mime tag attributes




Sets the MIME header, Content-Type, of the subsequent data.


Sets the MIME header, Content-Disposition, of the subsequent data. If disposition is not specified in a mime or boundary tag, then Content-Disposition MIME header is not included


Sets the MIME header, Content-Transfer-Encoding, of the subsequent data. If encode is not specified, base64 is used as default. The options for encode are: base64, uuencode, x-uuencode, quoted-printable, uue, x-uue, and 7bit. No encoding is done if set to 7bit.

Appendix A, Date-time data

Zope provides a facility for working with DateTime data. From Python, a DateTime module provides a DateTime class for creating and formatting DateTime data. From DTML, the special variable _ provides a method for constructing date-time values from strings and numeric data. DateTime objects provide methods that can be used to format data in various ways.


Custom formats for date-time data




Return the time string for an object to the nearest second.


Return the time string for an object not showing seconds.


Return a string representing the object's value with the format: Mar 1, 1997 1:45 pm.


Return a string representing the object's value with the format: Mar 1, 1997 1:45 pm US/Eastern.


Return the abbreviated name of the day of the week.


Return the abbreviated month name.


Return the appropriate time modifier (am or pm).


Return the date string for the object.


Return the full name of the day of the week.


Compatibility: see Day.


Return the integer day.


Return the day of the year, in context of the time-zone representation of the object.


Return day as a 2 digit string.


Return a string representing the object's value with the format: March 1, 1997 1:45 pm.


Return a string representing the object's value with the format: March 1, 1997 1:45 pm US/Eastern.


The W3C recommended date & time format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. T,Z are literal characters. Time is in UTC.


Return the 12-hour clock representation of the hour.


Return the 24-hour clock representation of the hour.


Return the 24-hour clock representation of the hour.


Return true if this object represents a date/time that falls within the current hour, in the context of this object's time-zone representation.


Return true if this object represents a date/time that falls within the current month, in the context of this object's time-zone representation.


Return true if this object represents a date/time later than the time of the call.


Return true if the current year (in the context of the object's time zone) is a leap year.


Return true if this object represents a date/time earlier than the time of the call.


Return the full month name.


Compatibility: see aMonth.


Return the full month name.


Return the minute.


Return month as a 2 digit string.


Return the month of the object as an integer.


Compare this DateTime object to another DateTime object OR a floating point number, such as that which is returned by the python time module. Returns true if the object represents a date/time not equal to the specified DateTime or time module style time.


Return the time string for the object.


Return the time string for the object.


Return a string representing the object's value with the format: Mar. 1, 1997 1:45 pm.


Return a string representing the object's value with the format: Mar. 1, 1997 1:45 pm US/Eastern.


Return the abbreviated (with period) name of the day of the week.


Return the abbreviated (with period) month name.


Return the date in RFC 822 format.


Return the second.


Return the time string for an object not showing seconds.


Return the time string for an object to the nearest second.


Return the time zone in which the object is represented.


Return the calendar year of the object


Return calendar year as a 2 digit string.




1. It is also possible to define additional syntaxes, although the mechanism for doing this is not currently documented. For example, a syntax that is similar to the syntax used by active server pages has been developed.

2. Actually, all attributes have values. Certain attributes, like the capitalize attribute, have default values which are set when a value is not provided within the tag. The only case in which a value must be provided for this type of attribute is when the attribute is the first attribute in the tag. Without a value, the attribute would be confused with a name attribute value. For attributes like capitalize, a value of "yes", "on" or 1 is usually provided, as in: <dtml-var capitalize=1 name=id>. The capitalize attribute is an example of a flag. The presence of a flag typically indicates that some normally disabled option should be enabled, thus the values of "yes", "on" or 1.

3. In this context, "function" refers any "callable" object. Examples of an callable objects include Zope Database Methods and Zope Network Clients, DTML Methods.

4. For a detailed description of Python syntax, see the Python documentation at

5. A method is like a function except, a method is an attribute of an object and can use the object's data in computation.

6. Zope defines a large number of attributes that are used by Zope itself. Many of these will become part of an official Zope applications programming interface and will be documented in a forthcoming "Zope API Guide".

7. ZopeTime is a function that returns a date-time object giving the current time.

8. Dictionaries are objects that support looking of data by name
(e.g. REQUEST.cookies['CUST_ID'] to look up a cookie named CUST_ID ). Dictionaries have has_key methods for checking whether a dictionary contains a value (e.g. REQUEST.cookies.has_key('CUST_ID') ) and methods keys , values , and items , for updating lists of dictionary keys, values, and key-value pairs
(e.g. REQUEST.cookies.keys() to obtain a list of cookie names).

9. The special variable, _, is an exception to this rule.

10. Python 1.4 users must use the ni module to enable packages. DocumentTemplate may also be used as a collection of modules, rather than as a package by copying all of the DocumentTemplate modules except the __init__ module to a directory in the Python path.

11. The C programming language.

12. All Zope objects are either true or false. Numeric values are true if they are non-zero and false if they are zero. Objects that are sequences of objects, like search results, are true if the sequences are non-empty and false otherwise. Most other objects are true.

13. nnn is the name of an attribute or key. For example, to get the mean salary in a collection of employees, each with the attribute salary, mean-salary would be used.

14. These are relative URL's as generated by the DTML. The document_id for this example is r36.

15. A header line is a line that begins with a header name, followed by a colon, a space, and a value. Header lines may have continuation lines that begin with one or more spaces or tabs. All of the header lines, with continuation lines, if any, must start at the beginning of the text following the dtml-sendmail tag and must be separated from the message body by at least one blank line.

16. The dtml-mime tag can also be used in http multipart responses.